Beauty Treatment

Restore Your Natural Radiance From Within

Beauty is not in a potion or in a magic pill. Everyone is beautiful in his or her own way – you just need a little natural and loving touch with Ayurvedic care. The face is one of the important areas that you need to take care of because all five senses are located here. At Ayurvedic Healing, we pamper you with exotic herbs, foods that are pure, and beauty care that is natural and simply divine.

Your Dosha (Body Constitution) determines your skin type:

Vata Skin

Has a tendency towards dry and rough skin and is cold to the touch. A thin outer layer can contribute to premature wrinkles and aging. Exposure to harsh elements, incompatible food (cold, rough, dry, etc.), lack of water and oil, excessive mental, and physical activity and insufficient rest can aggravate aging in this skin type. Ayurvedic treatments and skin care products nourish Vata skin from the inside out creating a healthy glow.

Pitta Skin

Can be fair, reddish, or freckled, affected by heat and sun, burns easily, can be sensitive or oily, and is prone to acne and inflammation. Incompatible foods (oily, sour, acidic, spicy, etc.), stress, and chemicals can agitate this skin type. Toxins can manifest in the skin as inflammation, blemishes, and acne. Ayurveda eliminates these problems by detoxifying and cleansing from the inside out. Ayurvedic treatments and skin remedies can restore a clear and beautiful complexion.

Kapha Skin

Smooth, thick, moist, pale, ages well. Can be oily and prone to large pores, black/whiteheads, and acne. Excessive oil excretion combined with dirt results in the clogging of the skin pores. Incompatible food (sweet, salty, oily, dairy products, etc.) and a sedentary lifestyle can agitate this skin type. Ayurvedic treatments and remedies increase circulation and detoxify the skin, restoring balance.

Skin & Beauty Services

Ayurvedic Skin Consultation

Consultation includes Dosha and skin type assessment, and pulse diagnosis that helps to understand internal imbalances. This includes diet and lifestyle changes (Facial Exercises /Yoga /Breathing /Mudras) and customized herbal and skin care formulas.

We offer a holistic solution for skin problems such as Acne, Rosacea, Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Hyperpigmentation, and prematurely wrinkled skin.

Ayurvedic Facials

Our facials begin with a skilled, licensed, and experienced professional who analyzes your skin and makes appropriate recommendations for your optimal skin health — customizing your treatment to your specific condition: acne, aging, hyper-pigmentation, etc.

We use organic, preservative-free Ayurvedic products and potent regenerative herbs. Our Ayurvedic facials blend Ayurvedic tradition with a facial massage to treat blemishes, maintaining healthy skin and a glowing complexion.

A reviving head, neck, and shoulder massage and Marma massage combined with subtle ayurvedic therapies (karna, nasya, aroma, herbs etc), increase the flow of prana (chi) to relieve stress, tension and fatigue. A soothing foot massage will deepen relaxation, bringing a renewed sense of balance to the body and mind. The energy within the 7 layers of the skin will be delightfully rekindled and your inner peace restored.

Our gentle herbal exfoliant, deep cleanses, detoxifies, and rejuvenates the skin, while our fruit massage will improve circulation and restore radiance to the skin.

Five Senses Therapy

This treatment combines the therapeutic effect of all five senses working in harmony. Sound therapies are specific Vedic hymns and mantras recommended for each imbalance. Touch therapy enlivens specific vital points on the body called marma points. Taste therapy uses certain herbal medicines. Sight uses Ayurvedic color therapy, and smell is accessed with combinations of rare aromatics. The effect harmonizes all of the senses to bring one’s awareness to the source of thought and feeling within the heart.

Udvartana & Swedana (cellulite and fat reduction)

A deeply penetrating herbal paste lymphatic massage. This powerful exfoliating treatment will magically restore your natural radiance. It conditions the skin while releasing stagnant lymphatic toxins from the body to reduce cellulite and fat.

Followed by Swedana, an herbalized steam bath, during which the head and the heart are kept cool (an important difference in Ayurvedic steam treatments) while the body is heated to remove mental, emotional, and physical toxins lodged deeply within the tissues. The cool head and heart provide a sense of calm and openness while the therapeutic steam over the entire body can penetrate and cleanse deeply, without overheating and causing stress to the body.