
Menstrual Problem

Menstrual Problems Menstrual Problems may refer to the many different types of menstruation disorders, such as delay or absence of bleeding, painful cramping, and profuse bleeding, among others. Causes Factors that are responsible for this condition include the increased intake of sour, salty, hot, pungent, heavy, and fermented food; the meat of fatty and domestic animals; alcoholic beverages; indigestion; and eating before the previous meal is digested. Conditions that also have a strong effect include repeated abortions, excessive sexual activity, increased physical [...]


PCOD Treatment

Are you suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome and are looking for an ideal remedy? Polycystic ovarian disease or PCOD is a common female health condition. It is a complex disorder and involves several factors which include insulin resistance, obesity, irregular menstrual bleeding, insufficient ovum production, and abnormal menstrual cycles. PCOD commonly occurs during the reproductive age of a woman and accounts for being a major cause of infertility. According to Ayurvedic principles, PCOD occurs primarily due to the imbalance state of your doshas. The dosha vaishanmya is [...]


Beauty Treatment

Restore Your Natural Radiance From Within Beauty is not in a potion or in a magic pill. Everyone is beautiful in his or her own way – you just need a little natural and loving touch with Ayurvedic care. The face is one of the important areas that you need to take care of because all five senses are located here. At Ayurvedic Healing, we pamper you with exotic herbs, foods that are pure, and beauty care that is natural [...]


Ayurvedic Obesity Treatment

Obesity is a medical condition in which excess fat gets accumulated in the body leading to a variety of health issues. Obesity can, genetic susceptibility and lack of physical activity. Being slightly overweight may not cause you any health issue but having excess weight can lead to various diseases and conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, and depression. Obesity is one of the leading preventable causes of death. It can be prevented by following a healthy [...]


Ayurvedic Piles Treatment

Piles or Hemorrhoids are vascular structures in the anal canal that become swollen or inflamed. Hemorrhoids are of two types – internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids may lead to painless, bright red rectal bleeding when defecating while external hemorrhoids generally result in pain and swelling of the anal area. Hemorrhoids can be caused by constipation, diarrhea and prolonged sitting in the toilet. Adopting healthy lifestyle and eating fiber rich food can help in controlling piles. Proper medication [...]


Ayurvedic Kidney stone Treatment

Kidney stone disease also known as urolithiasis is a disease in which a solid piece of material is found in the urinary tract which could lead to severe pain in the lower back or abdomen. It may also cause blood in the urine, vomiting or painful urination. Kidney stones are caused by a combination of genetics or environmental factors. Common causes include obesity, some medications, calcium supplements or not drinking adequate fluids. Proper medication and lifestyle changes can greatly [...]


Male Infertility

Male infertility is a growing problem among men. As soon as a man approaches 35 years of age, research has shown that he starts losing his libido and inches towards infertility. Infertility was seen as only a female problem in earlier times, but as couples are opening up more, males are getting diagnosed with infertility at an alarming rate. Infertility in any of the partners may cause loss of intimacy and lead to negativity in their lives. There are a [...]


Neurological Disorders

Neurological disorders may creep in due to many reasons. It may be due to degenerative diseases, accidents, other health conditions, birth defects or genetics. The most common form of disorder occurs due to non-functional brain cells in some parts, and loss of myelin sheath in neurons, which protects the nerve signals in their complete transfer from origin to destination. These losses are irreparable, but further degeneration can be avoided with Ayurveda. Panchakarma, the branch of Ayurveda, which deals with [...]


Hormone Disorder

A hormone imbalance is when there is too little or too much of a particular hormone in one’s body. Hormones are the chemical messengers in the body that travel the bloodstream to the organs and tissues. They slowly work and affect many of the body’s processes over time. Endocrine glands, which are special groups of cells, make hormones. It only requires a small amount of hormones to be out of balance to cause significant changes throughout the body. Both men [...]



The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland that regulates a number of metabolic processes in the body. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are two common thyroid disorders that affect how we create and use our energy. Though these conditions have no cure as such, they can be managed effectively with a few simple home remedies. Include marine phytoplankton in your diet: Sea vegetables such as phytoplankton are rich sources of electrolytes and nutrients such as iodine that is essential to regulate thyroid activity. Some sea vegetables you can try are sea weed, kelp, arame, [...]