Low AMH Treatment

Low AMH Treatment

Three aspects of ayurvedic treatments viz shamana, shodhana and rasayana have to be incorporated to improve AMH levels. Shamana treatments include internal medications to balance the ‘dosha’, improve metabolism (deepana and pachana) and improve hormonal balance.

Why is AMH level important?

AMH is a hormone that is produced from the follicles in the ovaries. Follicles are the sacs where the female egg or ovum is situated. AMH is produced by special cells called granulosa cells inside the ‘young stage’ of follicles called primary follicles.
AMH levels indicate the ‘egg reserve or ovarian reserve’ of a lady. In other words, the level of AMH in the blood can help doctors estimate the number of follicles inside the ovaries.

Why do AMH levels drop?

Low AMH levels can be associated with:

  • Age: As the number of follicles reduce naturally with age, AMH levels are related to your age.
  • Genetics: Genetics influence the levels of AMH you have in a specific age.
  • Surgery and medications: Treatments and hormone medications which for conditions like endometriosis, ovarian cysts etc can influence AMH levels.
  • Medical conditions: Certain autoimmune conditions can negatively affect AMH levels.
  • Stress: Studies prove that psychological stress will result in reduced AMH and poor ovarian reserve.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatment to improve AMH:

Ayurvedic treatment does not focus mainly on the level of hormones, but the aim is to improve the health of reproductive and endocrine systems.
The aim of ayurvedic treatment to improve AMH is to increase your chance of pregnancy by enabling the ovaries to produce healthy ovum and support it by the balance of hormones. Ayurvedic Low AMH treatment in sinhagad road will help you to get pregnant naturally. Ayurvedic treatment by Dr. Sachin Vanmore improves AMH levels incorporated with modern fertility treatments like IVF method to increase the chance of viability of the embryo.